NAIRR: Getting started with Amazon Web Services EC2 on CloudBank

Service Control Policy (SCP) based on your calculator estimate:
For NAIRR researchers using CloudBank, we have implemented Service Control Policies (SCPs) based on your calculator estimate at the time of submission to help prevent overspending. If you wish to launch different instances than those specified in your initial request, please submit a new calculator URL with the updated instance details to CloudBank by emailing This new calculator URL will help you understand how the changes will affect your original spend estimate. The CloudBank team will then review the changes and update the SCP for your account accordingly. Ideally, we would allow any instances cheaper than those specified in your calculator estimate, but due to the limitations of the SCP mechanism and its character limit, we currently restrict it to the instances specified in your estimate.

Amazon limits access to their high demand instances through quotas. If the instance you try to launch errors out with a message like below, you will need to submit a quota increase request.

Instance launch failed

You have requested more vCPU capacity than your current vCPU limit of 0 allows for the instance bucket that the specified instance type belongs to. Please visit to request an adjustment to this limit.

Please then follow the URL to to request a quota increase.

Special Note: A100s and H100s are in high demand. We will update this article with whenever we get new information on how to best formulate your quota request for approval.

p4de.24xlarge - these instances are still in preview and are only available in one region (Tel Aviv). Please consider switching to H100s available in p5.48xlarge (more below) - see p5 instances for more information.
p5.48xlarge - Start with requesting “All P5 Spot Instance Requests” with 192 vCPUs. Note that spot instances are discounted but can be interrupted at anytime (please see the Spot Instance advisor to see likely your instance will be interrupted). These Spot instance quota requests are easier to get and will enable your research while you are developing/testing and demonstrate to AWS your ability to use these instances. New accounts with no usage are less likely to be approved, so spot instances are a good stepping stone to gather usage data in your account and demonstrate that you are ready to use the On-Demand P5 instances. When ready, request “Running On-Demand P instances” as shown below for your longer runs.

Requesting a quota increase:
From the page, click on the yellow “Service Quotas Dashboard” button as shown below:

Then click the “AWS Services” drop down in the “Manage quotas” box in the upper right corner. Type “ec2” in the search box and select “Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)” when it pops up to proceed to the next screen.

Start typing “on-demand” in the search window and select any instance family that you would like to get access to, e.g., “Running On-Demand P Instances”.

Click the “Request increase at account level” button in the upper right hand corner:

In the pop-up box, type the number of vCPUs that you would like access to. Start with the minimum you need and then increase when you need more. In this case, the researcher wants access to a p5.48xlarge instance so we type “192” for 192 vCPUs in the “Increase quota value” box and click the “Request” button.

A status message will appear at the top of the page indicating the request was successfully submitted. Responses take 1-2 days. You can also view the status by clicking on the “Quota request history” link in the left menu.

A list of all your quota requests will be listed in the next page as shown below.

Once you see the request go to Opened, click on the Support request link as shown below:

Click the gold Reply button as shown below:

Please write a brief justification like the following and click the Submit button:

Note that 1) flexibility on the region and 2) anticipated timelines and use patterns are helpful. Once granted, please take note of the region was approved and be sure to use the same region when you launch EC2 (e.g., Oregon, etc). If your request is not approved or partially approved, email with your support ticket id and we will try to escalate it with our AWS contacts.