How do you view credit spend in Azure?

Credit spend in Azure is only available through the CloudBank portal*. To view credit spend in Azure, log into the CloudBank portal and click on the Azure subscription link by clicking Dashboard->Access CloudBank Billing->Accounts like below.

Then click on the linked Azure subscription in the first column.

Scroll down until you see the “Azure Sponsorship Credit Spend Details” header. To view the full history of your spend, click the link to download the data as a CSV file.

You can then open the CSV file in Excel and create a pivot table by date and sum of cost. E.g., for Office 365 on Mac, go to Data->Summarize with PivotTable:

Then click the “OK” button.

Click the checkbox next to “Date” like below:

Scroll down in the PivotTable Fields list and click the checkbox next to “Cost” and uncheck “Days (Date)” and “Months (Date)” checkboxes. You should have a table summing costs by day. Select the dates and costs and click Insert->Chart->Column (or Line if you prefer)

You will then get a plot like below. You can add more columns or group by different fields.

* When CloudBank receives vendor credits from Azure, they are delivered as “Sponsorship” credits. This is their older mechanism for distributing credits to researchers and unfortunately there are no views of your credit spend in the main Azure portal. The CloudBank team is able to view the credit spend through an admin only account from a special Sponsorship portal. We regularly export this data and provide views within the CloudBank portal to view the credit spend for your subscription.